Ed Sutkowski, a local attorney and media personality, interviews the Rev. Dr. Forrest Krummel, Jr. of First Federated Church in Peoria.
As one who overcame a speech stuttering impediment and chose a profession which required verbal communication and understanding, Forrest “Frosty” Krummel describes his adolescence, his ministry, the application of Stanislavski acting method and a window to his spiritual beliefs.
Senior Pastor of First Federal Church in Peoria, Illinois, Dr. Krummel received his undergraduate degree from Butler University followed by a theology degree from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. He then received his Ph.D. from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago.
Dr. Krummel compares/contrasts the teachings of Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, with Robert Wright’s presentation, The Evolution of God and Dinesh D’Souza’s, What’s So Great About Christianity.